Where you will find Evidence
of what I did well:
- I can see what I did
well in and what I need to improve on my looking at my marks on each criterion.
What I found
challenging whilst doing this Unit:
- During this unit the
most challenging bit I found was the cutting out designs with a craft knife
therefore my teammates helped me.
Arts MYP Year 789 Reflection
to Learning (ATL) Highlight the ATLs you used
Communication Skills
How did you communicate through meaningful
Exchanging thoughts, messages and information
effectively through interaction:
How did you demonstrate communication through
Reading, writing and using language to gather and
communicate information:
Collaboration Skills
Explain how you used collaboration skills?
Working effectively with others:
How did you
demonstrate organization skills?
Affective Skills
How did you manage your own behaviour?
Managing State of Mind:
Mindfulness: Practice focus and concentration/ Practice
strategies to overcome distractions
Perseverance: Demonstrate persistence and perseverance
Emotional Management: Practice strategies to prevent and eliminate
bullying/Practice strategies to reduce stress and anxiety
Practice positive thinking
Practice dealing with challenge/Practice dealing with disappointment and
unmet expectations
How did you
use reflective skills to improve your work during the unit?
Information Literacy Skills
How did you develop information literacy skills?
Media Literacy Skills
How can students demonstrate media literacy?
Interacting with media to use and create ideas and
Critical Thinking Skills
How did you think critically?
Creative Thinking Skills
How did you think creatively?
Transfer Skills
How did you transfer skills and knowledge from other
subject areas?
Use the questions to help focus your answers so you give a
strong reflection on your individual performance:
My Target
Improvements for next term are:
How did you develop
your ATL Skills? Reflect on how you used the ATLs throughout this unit. Give
evidence to support your answers. Did you manage to master any?
This term my arts
rotation was Visual Arts. In Art this term we did the Ramayana story that is
linked to a religious festival that Hindu’s celebrate called ‘Diwali’. To
perform the Ramayana story we used Indonesian puppets.
For this assessment
we worked in groups of 9-10 people. First, my whole group planned out our
story. We divided it into three sections, a beginning, middle and an end. My
group and I decided to change parts of the original story into 21st
century characters. Half of my group was in music and the other half was in
art. After that, the music group and my group’s narrator went to the music
room to practice the tune that will play with our shadow puppet theatre.
In art the first
thing my group and I decided to do was search up ‘Indonesian puppets’. We
used a variety of sources to inspire us on how our puppets must look like. We
then send all our images to Ms.Turner and she printed them out for my group.
Next, My group and I had to create a website (including our music group). On
our website we had to upload all our information, images etc. We named our
group ‘Space Monkeys INC’. After our website was set up, we had to start
sketching. My group’s leader for art was Soroush. Soroush came up with a
sensible idea to decide who was doing which character before we started
drawing. In our puppet show there were 13 character puppets we created which
are, Rama, Sita, Monkey Robot, Kausalya, Kaikeyi, Sumitra, The King, Planet
Mars, Planet Jupiter, Ravana, Fire Sacrifice, Hunch Back Which and a
Spaceship airplane. Next, we started sketching our puppets into our art
sketchbooks. My art group and I decided that I would do the 3 wives,
Kausalya, Kaikeyi, Sumitra. Everyone in my art group had 1-2 characters to
create. The sketching in our sketchbooks took us around 4 lessons, as we had
to put in as much detailed patterns as possible. When my whole art group and
I were finished with our final sketch in our books, we put a note on our
final page and Ms.Turner got it photocopied for us on a big A3 sheet.
The next lesson we
had, Ms.Turner gave us our photocopies, and we cut them out neatly and stuck
them on hard grey poster paper. Once we stuck it on our poster paper we had
to cut our puppets out again leaving a thin outline of poster paper around
our puppet. When my group and I finished the simple steps and knew we were
fully organized we moved onto the main bit. For the main bit, my group and I
had to take cutting boards, place them on the table, put our puppets on top
and start cutting out our detailed designs with craft knifes carefully. If it
were too hard to cut out our own designs we would ask each other for help.
After every once in a while, my teammates and I would ask each other for
advice for any improvements on our puppets. We also always checked our
puppets under the projector light to see which details we need to cut out. We
did the same procedure for a couple of lessons. After a few lessons my group
and I went to the music room to check on how our music group was doing. Once
we knew our music group were doing fine, my teammates and I started
practicing for our actual performance. To practice our performance we used
flashlights on our phones. When my art group and I and music group were
finished practicing our shadow puppet theatre we had to perform it to our
class and get positive and negative feedback to add any improvements.
After we were
finally ready with our performance we had to perform in front of the year 6’s
and 7’s. I was a little nervous, as it was my first time performing our
shadow puppet theatre. I enjoyed the first performance a lot although for an
improvement I knew my group and I had to put our puppets closer to the screen
for it to be clearer to the audience. For my group’s music, the drums were
too loud therefore the audience couldn’t her William (my groups narrator).
When the performance was over, during the next lessons we watched over our
performances to see how we did while reflecting on my group along with
everyone else’s group. After a few weeks we got to perform for our parents.
My group and I were not nervous at all since we had experienced it before and
knew all our improvements. My teammates and I got lots of great feedback from
teachers and parents. Overall, I really enjoyed this art rotation because I
had so much fun creating my puppets. One thing I would’ve liked to improve on
our final performance is time management. I think my group’s narrator was
talking too fast and my group (art group) was rushing the puppets onto the
screen. Something I would like to improve on in my next art rotation would be
to push myself a little more in all my work to get a 6 as I got a 5 in visual
A: Knowing &
· Explain what knowledge & Understanding you have gained during the
· Can you explain what you have been learning about during your Arts
· Have you learnt any new arts language and terminology?
· Have you learnt a critical thinking process for your rotation, explain
· Have you learnt about the historical/cultural context of your art
B: Developing Skills
· Explain which Arts skills you have acquired and developed during the
· How did you use apply
these new skills and techniques to create, perform and/or present art?
C: Thinking
· Explain what your
artistic intention was, why did you make this art form what was its function
and purpose?
· Can you explain
if you considered your work from an alternative perspective, i.e., the impact
on the audience/or developed your work to communicate a focused message
· How did you
demonstrate the exploration of ideas during the unit?
D: Responding
· Evaluate and assess your artistic
response during the unit.
· Does your work demonstrated a
movement/genre/theme/concept and how?
What could you do to improve your
performance in this rotation?
What areas of improvement do you
need to focus on?
How could you improve your
learning experience in the next rotation?